What Attracts Cockroaches To Get Into My Home?

It can be very stressful when you wake up and turn on the lights only to see creepy crawlers squirming for cover. The main thing you need to do when you are looking to get rid of cockroaches is figuring out what is causing them to make your home their shelter.

1. Food

Every pest needs food to survive. Therefore, if you are regularly leaving out dirty dishes, dropping crumbs on your floor, or even allowing your trash to pile up – you could be dealing with cockroaches due to your negligence. 

2. Water

Another element every pest needs to survive is water. Allowing water to sit anywhere in your home is only welcoming pests. You want to avoid allowing any excess water to sit whether caused by leaky pipes or something else.

3. Shelter

Any cockroach is going to be looking for someplace to live. Allowing areas of your home to remain untouched is a recipe for a welcoming place for pests to settle. If you have an area in your home or around it where you are piling up cardboard boxes or even wood, you can expect cockroaches to want to live there.

4. Warmth

Cockroaches are a pest that you will likely have to deal with throughout the year if they’ve made your home their shelter. However, you will find them breeding and even more active when it’s warm outside. Therefore, you can expect more cockroach problems to show themselves during the summertime. 

How To Prevent Them?

To get rid of cockroaches, you will want to call on a professional pest control company. They are some of the most stubborn pests. Therefore, removing them is difficult, and getting rid of them should be made a priority because of how fast they breed. That being said, when your home is rid of cockroaches, there are a bunch of things you should be able to do to prevent the issue from occurring in the future.

Preventing Cockroaches:

– Wash your dishes as soon as you are done eating

– Take out the trash as soon as it fills and keep it away from your home

– Call a plumber to fix any leaks as quickly as possible

– Don’t let food get on the floor and don’t keep your pet’s food on the floor at all times

– Sweep after you finish cooking

– Don’t allow cracks to exist and if they do, regularly clean in that area

– Clean your home regularly

– Don’t allow cardboard boxes to sit around in your home

If you have an unfortunate cockroach problem, you aren’t out of luck. By calling Animal & Insect Pest Management Inc. right now, you will be able to get rid of them in a hurry. We can help you eradicate these unwanted pests for good!