Top reasons to join tea club

Are you a member of any tea club? Well, if not, you should consider joining one because you are missing out on many things. So, how do tea clubs work? When you join a tea club, you get the opportunity to enjoy different premium tea blends at a cost. Every month, you get to receive amazing flavors via mail from the tea club.

Honestly, there are endless reasons why you should join a tea club, and we shall discuss the top reasons in this post. At the end of this post, you should know what you are missing by not being a member of a tea club. So, let’s delve in!

Joining a tea club will push you out of your comfort zone

Well, it’s true that every tea lover has their own favorite type of tea—from green, to herbal, oolong, and puerh, among others, every tea lover has their favorite blend. Although this is great, it can limit your passion to learn more about other tea blends. You will always plan to buy the same flavor when you go out shopping for tea, and completely ignore other tea sections, which have amazing tea blends too. However, when you join a tea club, you will find yourself trying other blends out of your comfort zone. And who knows—you might end up discovering some amazing tea flavors that you didn’t know existed. 

You get an opportunity to learn more about tea

Depending on the tea club that you join, some tea vendors will add some informational materials and facts about the tea that you choose. This will not only allow you to expand your tea options, it will also help you to boost your knowledge about tea. 

Discounts and exclusive teas

Most tea companies offer tea clubs amazing incentives, like joining tea of the month club, or gaining access to premium tea, promotions, first access, discounts, and free shipping, among others. Now, joining a tea club will allow you to enjoy an amazing selection of tea flavors from different companies—and you can get these teas at a discounted price. 

Tea clubs foster a sense of tea community

When you become a part of a tea club, you join a niche of people, who can help you learn more about tea. Besides, you get an opportunity to discuss more details about the teas you are tasting. The most exciting thing about these communities is that you don’t have to meet physically. You can arrange an online meeting via Zoom or Skype, and try some tea flavors together. At the end of the day, joining a tea club presents the best opportunity to participate in a tea community, and also share tea tasting notes. 

You get the opportunity to receive new tea flavors every month

Have you ever heard of teamail? Well, this is something you get to receive after a tea subscription. Being a member of a tea club will give you the perfect opportunity to receive new tea blends via mail every month. And the most exciting thing is, you know that you will get a teamail, but you don’t know the contents of that mail.  

It’s the best way to support small businesses

Most of the tea club businesses that provide tea club services are small businesses, which have a monthly fixed income from the tea clubs. Therefore, joining a tea club is the perfect way to support these businesses as they share their favorite teas with you. 

Bottom Line

There you go. These are the top reasons why you should join a tea club. And, although joining a tea club for the first time might make you feel like you are in unchartered territory, the feeling will go away as soon.