The Health Benefits of Clean, Crisp Home Decor According To Lori Nazemetz

Want to create a healthy and happy home? Check out these tips from interior decor expert Lori Nazemetz.

Home is where the heart is. Most of us will spend a big chunk of our lives, in fact likely the majority of our lives, inside of just a few homes. Getting the décor right will make your home more welcoming and relaxing. In fact, interior design expert Lori Nazemetz notes that your décor could impact your physical and mental health.

“Our environment has a huge impact on our thoughts, mood, and more,” Lori Nazemetz says. “By getting the interior design of your house done right, you may be able to boost happiness, physical health, productivity, and all the rest. This is true not just for you, but your family too.”

First up, you’ll want to make sure your home provides plenty of natural light. Humans need sunlight to make Vitamin D, an essential vitamin for our bodies. Natural sunlight also brightens moods for most people, while artificial light can encourage insomnia and other issues.

“One of the things I recommend is to ensure that your home offers plenty of natural light. Make sure you have blinds that are easy to open,” Lori Nazemetz states. “Also, craft an outdoor area you love because it’ll help ensure you get your needed time in the sun.”

Natural light isn’t the only light consideration. You should also consider blue-light-free lightbulbs inside. Blue light has a tendency to keep people up, whereas light lacking blue light may help you sleep more easily. Some people may also find lamps more relaxing than overhead lights.

Getting back to nature may also boost your mood. Studies have found that walking through parks can reduce anxiety and even reduce blood flow to parts of your brain that fret over negative thoughts. You can craft beautiful green areas outdoors that are perfect for resetting your mood. Don’t stop with green exterior spaces either, bring some plants indoors too.

“A few well-placed plants can really make your interior living space come alive,” Lori Nazemetz points out. “Plants may even increase oxygen levels in your home, which could reduce headaches and resolve other issues.”

Another important thing for your brain is decluttering. Studies have found that decluttering living spaces can increase calmness and boost your mood. As you relax, it may help you focus and make you more productive. An improved mood, meanwhile, may prevent arguments with coworkers, loved ones, and the other folks in your life.

Also, be on the lookout for dust and things that collect dust. A dusty home may irritate your respiratory system. And if you have allergies and pollen gets inside, it could cause problems.

Lori Nazemetz Talks Sounds and Smells

When you think of interior decorations, you probably think first of visual objects, like artwork and sculptures. These visual treats certainly are important. However, don’t forget your other senses, like your nose and ears too.

“A small water feature could create white noise, which helps many people focus and relax, especially if the house or neighborhood is loud,” Lori Nazemetz points out. “You can also use incense, plants, candles, and other things to tickle your noise with great smells.”

Follow all of the above suggestions and you might see your quality of life improve.