Carpet Cleaning Tips For Your Home and Business

Carpet cleaning is a service most people do not think about too often. If you own a carpet, chances are good you have a clean carpet. However, carpet cleaning can be a daunting task when cleaning the dirt and germs that linger in your carpet. Carpet cleaning can be a bit time-consuming, but the benefits you reap from the clean carpet will far out weight any hassle you may experience. 

Carpet cleaning is an essential part of maintaining a healthy home and business. It’s also necessary for those who suffer from allergies or asthma because it removes allergens and other irritants that can trigger a reaction. There are many different methods to clean carpets, but the most efficient way is by hiring professional Carpet Cleaners Mooresville NC. In addition, we’ve compiled some helpful tips on how to maintain your rugs, so they stay cleaner longer with less effort. 

Are Household Products Effective For Cleaning Your Carpet?

Some people use household products like vinegar, baking soda, dish soap, or shampoo to clean their carpets at home; these methods work well if you’re able to spend enough time on them! However, they don’t permanently remove every single spot- especially when dealing with stains that have been set.

Regular Vacuum Cleaning

One of the best things that you can do to maintain a clean carpet is regular vacuuming. Carpet Cleaning Statesville NC professionals agree that vacuuming is an essential part of keeping your carpet clean. Vacuuming removes the dirt and microorganisms that reside in your carpet. Most standard techniques for vacuuming include wet-sanding, dry-sanding, and steam cleaning. Dry-sanding is the least expensive option for carpet cleaners, but it does not remove deep-seated stains.

Dust and dirt particles are the bane of carpeting owners. Dirty dust can adhere to your carpet and become embedded between your carpeting fibers. Microorganisms thrive in this type of environment, creating allergens and other health concerns. Regular vacuuming will help remove these microscopic dirt particles. You should also consider getting your carpet professionally cleaned at times, especially if you find yourself with a lot of dirt and dust.

Pets can also cause a mess inside a home. For example, pets can jump on your carpet or leave you sneezing. These can both create allergens and bacteria that can become embedded within your carpet. Having your pet spayed or neutered will reduce the number of allergens you are exposed to while giving your carpet a healthy, fresh appearance. Having your pet inspected by a veterinarian is another excellent way to reduce the amount of dust and allergens in your home. Inspections by professional carpet cleaners can reveal bed bugs, mites, pet hair and dander, and more that can lead to breathing problems and allergic reactions.

Using Power Tools

Vacuuming daily will help remove most stains from your carpet. However, regular vacuuming is not enough to prevent stains from becoming permanent. Professional carpet cleaners use specialized tools and equipment to extract stains from your carpet. These tools and machines are designed to ensure that dirt does not penetrate down into the pad and become embedded in the carpet.

While there are many power tools available for home use, you may need to rent a commercial power tool if you have an unyielding spot that will not go away. The power cord that comes with most vacuums can damage delicate fabrics, so you should avoid using a power cord unless you know you can remove a stubborn stain with the vacuum. Instead, use a soft-bristled broom and make an indentation in the area. Then sweep the broom across the affected area in a back and forth motion. Keep alternating back and forth strokes to continue the removal of the stain.

If the dirt does not come out with a broom, you may need to rent a power washer to remove it. A power washer works by pushing a solid water jet at high pressure against the dirt to loosen and fluff the soil. It is best to work in a well-ventilated area to not breathe in the cleaner’s chemicals. Also, the dry foam that the machine leaves behind will protect your floors from further damage.

Steam Cleaner – Best Option To Clean Hard Removed Stains

A steam cleaner is often the best option to clean stains from hard-to-reach areas. When using a steam cleaner, you apply the cleaning solution to the affected area and then place the steam cleaner into the solution. The suction of the steam cleaner will draw the dirt into the cleaner’s suction path. Do not allow the solution to stand on top of the carpet as this can damage the carpet. Once you are finished with the steam cleaner, rinse it off thoroughly to prevent re-soiling. Here are additional benefits of using steam cleaner:

  • It is easier to use than a traditional carpet cleaner.
  • It is more environmentally friendly, using less water and detergent than traditional cleaners.
  • Steam cleaning can remove stains that other methods cannot, like wine or coffee spills.
  • The steam from the machine will help loosen dirt embedded in your carpet fibers for a deeper clean
  • It requires much less time and effort on your part – you need to point the machine at the stain and press go! 
  • Using a steam cleaner will leave behind no residue or chemical smells, so you won’t have to worry about lingering odors after it’s done!